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Check Back for the Latest Classes!

Be sure to check back here for upcoming classes and educational opportunities!

Click below for Personalized Mentoring Options to expand your art with me now!



Testimonials… *

“Liz is very creative and knowledgeable about Artistry & close up photography, her explanation of technique is easy to follow and understand. She speaks clearly and with confidence. I would definitely take another class from her in the future.


“Liz has a pleasant, clear and cheery way of imparting information. This opened  up a new creative ways  of seeing and  capturing the world up close!”


“Great Energy”

“And I would say that Liz was very knowledgeable, helpful and patient. We had great interaction as a class and everyone was willing to help each other. We got to test techniques as we went which was fun and helpful in our learning and we were even provided some fun supplies for use in our future artistic endeavors. Can’t wait to take more classes in the future! 
